My Story

Beyond Personal Training: Embracing Fitness, Wellness, and Building Connections

Welcome to my world of fitness! 

Hello, I'm Valerie Williams, the driving force behind Train Like An Athlete Fitness. My journey has led me to a profound realisation – the true magic in fitness happens when we shift our focus from how our bodies look to what they can achieve.

Being the only girl among four brothers, I had to match their energy and keep pace with their activities. From a young age, staying active became an essential part of my life. This upbringing instilled in me a lasting passion for maintaining an active lifestyle, which continues to shape my journey into adulthood.

Participating in a diverse range of sports and fitness activities came naturally to me. From team sports like hockey and athletics to leisure pursuits such as tennis and badminton, I consistently sought out new physical challenges. Engaging in outdoor running, strength training, cycling, kickboxing, boxing, and even indoor climbing became regular parts of my fitness journey.

However, being a certified trainer is just one part of my fitness journey. My passion for fitness and the lifestyle extends beyond my role as a trainer. As an extension of this passion, I ventured into other areas of the fitness industry. I launched my solo podcast, The Lens On Fitness Podcast, as a way to connect with individuals from all walks of life. Through the podcast, I aim to not only emphasize the physical aspect of fitness but also shed light on its mental and emotional benefits.

I also decided to leverage the name I had chosen for my personal training business, "Train Like An Athlete Fitness," and create a small brand around it. This brand is still growing and evolving, with a goal of reaching people wherever they are on their fitness journeys. 

Through podcasts, videos, and articles, I'm here to guide you in a fitness approach that goes beyond appearances. I want to shift the focus to performance and foster a healthier connection with fitness. I've discovered the real magic happens when we invest our energy into what our bodies can achieve, not just how they look. It took me a while to get there, and I want to help you get there faster. Together, let's unleash your full potential by celebrating what your body is capable of.